The incredible story of Kyoto cold brew:

Coffee arrived in Japan via Dutch traders, who are rumored to have brewed coffee on their ships using cold water, as fire was too dangerous for a wood hulled ship. These stories may have some truth to them, as everywhere the Dutch went, you can find "Dutch coffee", a cold brewed coffee that the Dutch spread throughout Asia.
However, the first docments describing cold brew are from Japan! Japan is so influential for using this brew method they refined and perfected it even further, quickly perfecting and refining their style into what we know now as Kyoto style cold brew.
Japanese style iced coffee has an elaborate presentation and slow dripping that can take up to a day or longer to complete. We call this method of preparation Kyoto Style because it was perfected and popularized in Kyoto- the old capital city of Japan.
At Farmers Union Coffee Roasters we are able to make just one single batch of this prized Kyoto cold drip every day. It's so slow to prepare and so popular that we inevitably sell out- especially if the sun is shining.
This process takes time but we think it's worth it!
Have you tried Kyoto cold brew? What did you think?