The Top Six Tips to Make a Better Pour Over

We love pour over coffee. There's just something so special about the perfectly flavorful cup that you can make with simple tools. At Farmers Union Coffee Roasters, we're partial to the Hario v60. We've tried a lot of brew methods over the years and we just keep coming back to the tried and true Hario v60.
In no particular order here are our top six tips to make your v60 taste even better than ever.
#1: Hot water: most people we talk to aren't using hot enough water. We like our water to be at least 205f, but we have made wonderful coffee with water that is 210f or hotter.
#2: Filtered water: consider using a water filter to get the best water you can for the job. Some people go as far as to buy distilled water and add their own minerals. It can make a huge difference when you have the perfect water.
#3: Gooseneck kettle: Being able to add exactly the right amount of water can work wonders for the flavor of your coffee. Pick Up a gooseneck kettle and it will make your pour overs taste better without any other adjustments.
#4: Try to limit your "high and drys". If hot water isn't touching your coffee, your coffee isn't being extracted. When your coffee is done brewing try to have it settled flat in the bottom of the filter. That way you can be assured all of your coffee participated in all of the extraction.
#5: Scale to measure your brew ratio. We recommend a 18.5:1 brew ratio for our coffee on v60 as a great starting point. That's 20g of coffee and 370g of hot water. Having a scale to measure your coffee and water addition makes knowing your brew ratio a snap!
#6: For best flavors, try a bloom. A bloom can help your flavors really shine. How do you bloom? It's easy. Add enough water to fully saturate your grinds and wait. Try waiting for 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Longer blooms can lead to a bit more sweetness and body in the final cup. If you haven't tried a really long bloom, it might make things really pop.
Did any of these tips work for you? Have a better suggestion? Let us know in the comments below!